Friday, November 19, 2010

Special Delivery

This was almost a missed opportunity and honor.  The nomination for People to People  came to my grandma's house and was almost deposited in the trash! After days of sitting patiently to be opened my grandma gave it to my mom who once again  burried the nomination in a pile of to be sorted mail.  The Special Delivery finally made it home and opened in the nic of time! The response to the nomination was due! Quickly, mom and I discussed the opportunity and I was excited! I wanted to be at that informational meeting more than anything else in the world.  I wanted to travel! I wanted to meet new people and make a difference.

Mom, grandma and I went to the meeting and we were honored to be there!  They explained that we were nominated by someone who thought we would represent our area and country the best. This meeting was just the begining. We still had hurdles to jump through. We needed three recommendations and a face to face interview before were chosen as student ambassadors. The nervouseness set in and  this opportunity became all I could talk about!

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